School Uniform
Your child needs to be in clothes that are neat, tidy and practical. We have a school uniform that all children wear and we greatly appreciate parents/carers’ support with this. It consists of:-
Grey trousers or shorts, grey skirt or pinafore, white polo shirt, green jumper/cardigan or school sweatshirt/cardigan. Summer dresses in green and white check.
New Reception pupils School uniform can be ordered from School Trends SIS Uniform. Once in school Sweatshirts, cardigans and PE Kit are also on sale from the school office.
School book bags are also available for purchase from the school office. Please do not send rucksacks into school as there is no room for these on the children’s pegs.
Pupils should wear proper black shoes with low heels to school and not open toed sandals or trainers. Socks or tights should be white, grey, black or dark green and should be plain.
Hair colour and style must be appropriate for school. Extreme colours and styles of hair are not permitted. Long hair must be tied back with a simple hair fastening in the colours of the school uniform.
A coat will also be needed every day.
No jewellery should be worn or brought to school for health and safety reasons, including earrings. If you are planning to have your child’s ears pierced, please ensure that this happens at the beginning of the summer holidays so that the holes are well healed and your child can attend school without earrings.
Children should not bring valuables or toys from home into school.
We ask parents/carers to please ensure that all items of clothing, shoes and personal belongings are clearly and permanently labelled with your child’s name.
All children need a pair of black sports shorts and white T-shirt for PE (We do have T-shirts with our logo which can be ordered from School Trends or through the office).
All children must have a pair of trainers for PE.
Logoed Items
We do supply logoed items of clothing, however, there is no requirement for parents to buy these. Non branded items are also acceptable and readily available from a variety of stockists.
Second Hand Uniform
We have some second-hand uniform available at school, for which we ask a voluntary donation. If you need any uniform, please do come and ask at the office or email
We always welcome donations of uniform that is in good condition to restock our supplies.