Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Click on the link to see our SEN policy and information report.
Shottermill Infant School SEN policy and information report
Please click on the link below to read the document outlining our Waves of provision to support all pupils including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
Quality first teaching - Waves of provision
Shottermill Infant School Accessibility Plan
SEND Surrey - information for parents about SEND provision in Surrey
Family Voice Surrey - Speaking up for the families of children & young people with additional needs in Surrey
SEND Advice Surrey - Providing information, advice and support
If you require any further information or are concerned about your child’s development, please speak to your class teacher in the first instance. You can also make an appointment to speak to our SENDCO, Mrs Milne Home by emailing
Applying for a school place for a child with an EHCP? Please take a look at Surrey County Council's helpful leaflet by clicking here.